Mid east crisis 2
Mid east crisis 2

mid east crisis 2

Shopping at Duty Free Americas helps the Falic Family foot the bill for settlement expansion in Palestine/Israel!īOYCOTT DUTY FREE AMERICAS until it stops funding Israeli apartheid!

mid east crisis 2 mid east crisis 2

"Īccording to the Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz: "The Falic family also operates the Panama-based Segal Foundation for Israel, which ran afoul of even Israeli law because it “did little more than transfer millions of shekels to right-wing organizations in Israel…. Tell Duty Free Americas, and its owners, the South Florida Falic family, to stop funding the Israeli settler movement that is responsible for ongoing violence against Palestinians and the expulsion of Palestinians from their homes and land.Īccording to the Associated Press: "The family has donated at least $5.6 million to settler groups in the West Bank and east Jerusalem over the past decade.The Falics support the ultranationalist Jewish community in Hebron, whose members include several prominent followers of a late rabbi banned from Israeli politics for his racist views….

Mid east crisis 2